Thursday, June 10, 2010

Scrabble Spells G-O-O-D T-I-M-E-S

Each Tuesday and Thursday afternoon a group of men and women at the Glenner Center in Encinitas gathers together for a good game of Scrabble. They bring their dictionaries and their good humor as they help one another create common and sometimes colorful words with tiles.

They are both dedicated to the game and to each other. If one of the regulars is absent, the group won't play that day. Newcomers are allowed to join in as space permits and an audience is always appreciated.

When asked why everyone enjoys Scrabble so much, one participant responded nonchalantly, "It does the brain good, honey. You should try it."

She's right. Here are a few online articles we found showing how board games, and Scrabble in particular, is great for Alzheimer's patients and their caregivers.

Board Games for Mental Exercise -- Scrabble and Alzheimer's

Prevent Alzheimer's -- Play Scrabble

Brain Games for Alzheimer's