Friday, January 18, 2013

Dear Abby

Dear Abby,

I hope you know how much you meant to people, especially those who held on to your words, whether in their heart to comfort them in hard times or in a clutched clipping during confrontations. I personally once left the newspaper opened to your column on someone's desk at work in the hopes he would take the hint about dealing with an office boor. It was anonymously signed, and I never let on that it wasn't me who wrote it.

Your advice column saved many a relationship from ruin and forced others to end before people were ruined. And your wit often made us laugh. You made those of us who felt isolated, ridiculed, hurt and angry know we were not alone. That there was at least one other soul out there willing to publicly come clean and seek your counsel. We all realized your advice was but the first step in a long process, but it was an important one. And having your backing and blessing gave people the courage to make the often painful and scary changes in our jobs, our homes and our families to become better people and therefore a better society.

We are also grateful to you and to your daughter, who took over your column as your Alzheimer's Disease advanced, for keeping attention on the need to better understand and to better assist those with dementia. Those of us who you helped were sad to hear about your passing yesterday, at age 94, even if it was expected. You did a lot of good while you were here with all of us, and we hope you remain in good spirits where your soul is now and that you know how much we will miss you.


Anne in San Diego

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