Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Come On, Get Moving!

Today is National Senior Health & Fitness Day, and the perfect day to start making a lifestyle shift if you happen to be sedentary. Even if you are wheelchair-bound, there are ways to tone muscles, strengthen bones and improve cardiovascular systems to help stave off illness and injuries -- both of which become more common as we advance in years. Age is no boundary!

Exercise is a key part of each day at our Glenner Alzheimer's Family Centers, whether it's conducting chair aerobics, walking outdoors or dancing to music. Our participants raise their heart rates tossing beach balls around a room and de-stress with a dose of yoga. We keep it simple, and we keep it interesting.

Daily exercise not only helps keep our weight and blood pressure down, but it's been shown to help slow the development of Alzheimer's and reduce the tension accompanying caregiving. And, in San Diego, the weather is rarely an excuse. Right now the jacaranda are in bloom throughout the county, so make it a point to take a stroll today ... and tomorrow ... and the next day ....

Your body and your mind will thank you.

Glenner Center participants in Chula Vista work out with Therabands
 and instructor Kay Bodge.

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